ROKITE PR contains a unique blend of toughened plastic and rubber resins in a penetrating solvent.
ROKITE PR penetrates the concrete surface and seals pores to a depth of up to 3mm or more, leaving a tough, durable and fully trafficable wearing-surface.
Dusting is completely eliminated. Grease, oil, food spillage?s etc. simply wipe or hose off.
Minimises cleaning time & costs.
Staining or attack by a wide range of materials is resisted, and absorption of food materials that convert to acids by bacterial or enzyme action is greatly restricted.
Effective life - 2 to 3 times greater than similar, untreated surfaces.
Improves colour, depth and appearance. Fast drying & easy to maintain.
WHERE RECOMMENDED: Car parks, motor and electrical workshops, storage & warehouse floors, meatworks, dairy or food processing factories, ice-cream plants, sugar terminals, etc. All concrete floors subject to oils, grease, lubricants, minerals, oils, mild acids, caustics, sugars, fruit juice, soft drinks etc.